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C. Medina Rodríguez, J.C. Segura Luna and S. Holm,  "Feasibility of ultrasound positioning based on signal strength", "Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), 2015 International Conference on", None-None, 2012
A. Morales-Soto, L. Tomas-Menor, C.M. Roldán-Segura, E. Barrajón-Catalán, V. Micol-Molina, A.D.L. Torre Vega, A. Segura Carretero and A. Fernandez-Gutierrez,  "Identification of bioactive compounds in cistaceae extracts through correlation between mass spectrometry and antimicrobial activity data", "2nd Oxford Functional Food Conference", None-None, 2012
J.T. Valderrama Valenzuela, I.M. Alvarez-Ruiz, A.D.L. Torre Vega, J.C. Segura-Luna, M. Sainz-Quevedo and J.L. Vargas,  "Reducing recording time of brainstem auditory evoked responses by the use of randomized stimulation", "Beyond Newborn Hearing Screening: Infant and Childhood Hearing in Science and Clinical Practice", None-None, 2012
J.T. Valderrama Valenzuela, I.M. Alvarez-Ruiz, A.D.L. Torre Vega, J.C. Segura-Luna, M. Sainz-Quevedo and J.L. Vargas,  "A preliminary study of the short-term and long-term neural adaptation of the auditory brainstem response by the use of randomized stimulation", "2nd International Conference on Adult Hearing Screening", None-None, 2012
A. Morales-Soto, L. Tomas-Menor, C.M. Roldán-Segura, E. Barrajón-Catalán, V. Micol-Molina, A.D.L. Torre Vega and A. Fernandez-Gutierrez,  "Identification of bioactive compounds in cistaceae extracts through correlation between mass spectrometry and antimicrobial activity data", "2nd Oxford Functional Food Conference", None-None, 2012
J. Vikas, B. Raghavendra, U. Srinivasan, L. García Martínez and M.D.C. Benitez Ortúzar,  "NOISE AND SPEAKER COMPENSATION IN THE LOG FILTER BANK DOMAIN", "International Conference on Acoustic Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP-2012)", None-None, 2012
P. Padilla De La Torre, J. Camacho Páez, A. Lietor, G. Maciá Fernández, J. Navarro Ortiz, J.J. Ramos Muñoz, F.J. Salcedo Campos and F.J. De Toro-Negro,  "Mejora del aprovechamiento del alumno en el laboratorio de prácticas", "II Jornadas de Innovación Educativa en Ingeniería Telemática JIE 2011 ", None-None, 2011
C. Medina Rodríguez, J.C. Segura Luna and Á. De La Torre-Vega,  "Una red inalámbrica de sensores orientada a localización con precisión subcentimétrica", "XXVI Simposium de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio", None-None, 2011

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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